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Attach Files

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Use Attach File(s) to attach a file or files from previously collected Items. Files with Workflow Automations cannot be pushed, they can only be pulled. That means that the destination item does the work.

Note: These files must be uploaded to the Podio item directly and not externally on Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.

For example, Workflow Automations is a great tool for archiving Items from App A to App B. When creating an Archive App, be sure to include a Relationship field to the Original App.

First, create a flow to make a copy of the Item in App A

  1. Set flow to Trigger on Update of an Item in App A
  2. Add Filters to decide if the flow is ran, for example, when the Status is set to Archive
  3. Add the Create Item action to create in App B and copy all fields over. Don't forget to set up the relationship to this Item on the new Item.

Next, create a flow to collect the files from the old Item in App A to the new Item in App B

  1. Set flow to Trigger on Create of an Item in App B
  2. Add the Get Referenced Item action and set to follow the reference direction to the App
  3. Add the Attach File(s) action to add the files from the collected App. You can choose All Files or just The Most Recent one.

You can take this a step further and choose to delete the original Item in App A since the Archive has now been created.

First, add another Status option to App A and call is 'Ready for Deletion', then do a Refresh from Podio in your Workflow Automations account.

Next, open the flow you created to Attach File(s) and add a Wait action to ensure that the files are copied over and the Update Referenced action to set the status to 'Ready for Deletion'

Finally, create a flow to delete the original Item.

  1. Set flow to Trigger on Update of an Item in App A
  2. Add Filters to decide of the flow is ran, for example, when the Status is set to Ready for Deletion
  3. Add the Delete Item action

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